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Year 6 | Earth & Ocean

Musselburgh | The highly tidal nature of the North Sea is visually evident in Musselburgh. The new public walkway provides visitors and the local community a direct relationship with the firth. The new mad-made channel mimics that of the river Esk cutting into the Fisherrow Sands, allowing the port of Mussleburgh access to the Firth of Forth regardless of tidal cycles. The proposal re-develops Fisherrow Harbour, the addition of shops and eateries along the shoreline.

Bodo | Currently the boat mooring points are disjointed along the edge of Bodo. Rearranging the mooring points to create a more cohesive infrastructure with one key meeting place for pedestrians to arrive at. Relocating the bus station away from the waters edge and into the centre, adjacent to the shopping centre and to the proposed boathouse. A meeting place for all the pedestrian ferries in Bodo – a place of shelter out of the elements. Overlooking the harbour and projecting out over the water.

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